25 Things About Me
Hey friends! I thought it would be fun to share some random facts about me. I always love reading these kinds of posts and hope you learn something new about me today!

- Joey and I imagined having a baby boy named Jacob before we even got married.
- Change and big purchases scare me. A risk taker I am not.
- My husband and I celebrate 20 years together in March! We grew up at the same church and he was my 4th grade crush.
- I ran two half marathons (2017 & 2018) and I’ll probably never run like that again.
- Dogs > People. We want another one eventually but aren’t ready with a wild toddler.
- I worked at the same school for 12 years- I taught 2nd, 3rd & 4th grade.
- I have always wanted to work in health & fitness in some capacity, but never felt like it was something I could do.
- Jurassic Park is the best movie ever- I love dinosaurs.
- My mom waited tables for years to put food on the table for us. If you can’t afford a minimum 20% tip, you can’t afford to go out to eat.
- My baby has never once slept in his nursery… we both love having him in our room and I’m a firm believer in you do you when it comes to parenthood.
- I hated high school…. everything about it.
- I started out as a business major in college and it was not for me.
- People that keep it real are my people.
- I’m obsessed with all things Enneagram… I’m a one.
- I can’t sleep without the hatch sound machine and my eye mask.
- I’m really good at taking pictures, but really bad at ordering them.
- Popular food items I do not like- steak, sweet tea, mayonnaise, alfredo & cheese unless it’s on my pizza.
- Speaking of pizza, we usually order it once/week and always get pepperoni/banana peppers & well done. Our favorite local spots are Basilico Italiano & Due Amici.
- I graduated with a Masters in K-12 Literacy five months before having Jacob.
- Being a mom makes my heart explode every day.
- A messy house drives me crazy but I’m getting used to the fact that it will never be perfectly clean again.
- I am one of 5- I have two brothers and two sisters. They are the best!
- I can’t stand clothes shopping. Life was meant to be lived in yoga pants.
- I was induced directly after my 37 week appointment because my blood pressure was so high. I’ve never had high blood pressure in my life.
- Party planning and hosting is my favorite… I want to throw down when this pandemic is over.
I’d love to get to know you better- tell me a random fact about you!
Love this list and CANNOT WAIT to throw down.
Thanks! We are going to throw ALL the parties!