Hi! I’m Lindsey… thank you for stopping by Leawood Lane!

I am a 35 year old SAHM with a passion for health and fitness. I started coaching to support others in their journey.

This is my precious and wild toddler, Jacob. He has filled my heart up in a way I never knew was possible.

I am married to the love of my life, Joey. He was my fourth grade crush and I still can’t believe I’m so lucky to call him mine.

I am one of five children and we genuinely enjoy each other’s company… a party is always being planned. After losing my Dad in 2004, family is everything to me.

I taught 2nd-4th grade and worked as an Academic Facilitator for 12 years. Teaching was a roller coaster- some good years and some really tough ones, but I always poured everything I had to give into my classroom. I graduated with a Masters in K-12 Literacy in May 2019 and had Jacob 5 months later. As the 2020 pandemic broke, I made the unexpected and best decision to stay at home.
A few things I chat about on Leawood Lane…

Family– These two are the center of my world so you’ll definitely be seeing them and our adventures.
Fitness– I love working out and have since I was about 12. Moving my body has always done so much for me mentally! I started health and fitness coaching in January of 2021… it has been so much fun to help others with something I am so passionate about.

Nutrition– Like most people, I feel like this is a constant journey. Somewhere in my twenties I found a more balanced approach and stopped restricting certain foods. I now believe in chocolate every single day and refuse to live life without pizza. Here I will share any steps I’m taking to living a healthier lifestyle.

What is Leawood Lane?
Leawood Lane is the street where I grew up- a loving home of humble and also hilarious beginnings. 3 bedrooms, 1 kind-of-functioning bathroom, 5 kids, 2 amazing parents that literally worked around the clock and at least 5 pets at any given time – there are stories for days.

I’m sure we were the talk of the neighborhood, but as kids we were oblivious and my parents were too busy trying to put food on the table to care. I credit the first 18 years of my life on Leawood Lane for so much of who I am as an adult. I love to keep it real and I hope you feel that in everything I share!