Merry Monday 2
They aren’t very popular, but I have always secretly liked Mondays. I love the fresh start feeling of a new week.
Mondays were always the day I felt most prepared for when I was teaching- you know, coming off another weekend where all I did was work. My heart is with all the teachers starting back in the classroom today. I don’t think there’s any way to be fully prepared for pandemic teaching, but I know so many amazing teachers are making this week feel welcoming to their students and that’s all that really matters right now.
Not much has been very uplifting lately. I’m really over the political posts, annoying commercials and the ugliness on social media…aren’t we all?! It’s clear that no matter the outcome of this election, that’s not going away overnight. Neither is COVID. So today I’m focusing on the things making me happy…
Our First Family Halloween Costume
We dressed up as Gertie, Elliot and E.T. Jacob made a cute little alien thanks to this Etsy shop! It was an easy costume for all three of us. I was glad I ordered this stuff awhile back because Halloween snuck up on us! Also, I loved these overalls and will definitely be wearing them again.

I really enjoyed scrolling through so many happy posts this weekend. I loved all of the family costumes shared and seeing all the fun kids were able to have. I’m so glad people found a way to make it work for the little ones. I can’t wait to take Jacob trick or treating next year.
Time with Grandparents
Last Friday would have been my Dad’s birthday. I wish he could meet Jacob even for just one day. That ache will never go away, but my heart swells every time I see Jacob with his grandparents. He is just such a lucky little guy to be loved by so many.

Date Night
We’re trying to get back to doing monthly date nights and it’s not easy! Grammy & Grampy came over on Friday evening so we could head out for an October date. We had dinner at Red Rocks and came home in time to put Jacob to bed. We enjoyed sitting on the patio, a yummy dinner and having uninterrupted conversation. Patio seating is getting tough with the weather, so I think we will probably try day dates throughout the winter.

Healthyish Chocolate Chip Muffins
Muffins are probably my favorite thing to make over here and I always love it when I come across a new recipe to try. I found this recipe on Instagram and had most of the ingredients on hand. I subbed baking stevia for the brown sugar and they turned out delicious.

Yes- power is making me smile this week. We lost power from the hurricane winds in our area last Thursday and it was THE. WORST. It was out for 7 hours and made for the longest day ever with Jacob. I got him down for his nap that morning and he slept for a total of 10 minutes before the power went out. He was not sleeping without the hatch and his lullabies I stream every time we rock. Apparently we count on wifi and technology for a lot over here! He didn’t nap at all after that and was a bit crazy all day. The power came back on early in the evening and I haven’t stopped being grateful every time I turn a light on.

Jacob at Age 1
You can always count on Facebook and Instagram to tell you what was happening in life one year ago. All of Jacob’s newborn pictures have been popping up lately. While I loved every bit of those tiny baby snuggles, it’s also a reminder of how far we’ve come in the past year. Those days were a blur of exhaustion and nursing/pumping around the clock. This stage is so much more fun! Every day he is doing something new and watching him learn is the best! He loves to play, throw things, crawl at lightning speed, giggle, babble and toss any ball back & forth. He’s truly the most affectionate little guy… his kisses and hugs melt me all day every day. He has a lot of toddler crazy in him too (every single time he doesn’t get his way), but I just love this stage.

Kitchen Scissors
Joey and I have been married for 12 years and a lot of our kitchen items need some updating. Somehow the topic of kitchen scissors came up on our mountain trip a few weeks ago (mom life-LOL). I don’t even remember when ours broke, but we have been using office scissors for years. Since we are both people that just make do, it didn’t occur to us that this is not normal. My best friend Megan sent these to us yesterday… how sweet of her to remember! They are already changing my life.

Early Christmas Decorating
Are you decorating early? It seems like everyone is and I’m on board. We are getting out the decorations next weekend and I’m so excited! It’s our favorite time of year and we can’t wait to make it special for Jacob. To start out the season (and also to get the most out of what I paid for them), I put Jacob in his Little Sleepies Christmas pjs last night. He also loves the singing Rudolph he got for his birthday!

What’s making you smile this week?!