Gratitude- 20 in 2020
Hi friends! Today I am sharing 20 things I’m thankful for in 2020!
Health– This will always be at the top of my list. This year I’m especially thankful for the health of all of our loved ones.
Jacob– Oh my goodness this baby! I love watching how happy he gets over the simple things. There really is something special about being a boy mom and I love our sweet bond.

Joey– We’ve been together for almost 20 years- wild! I know I’m not the same girl he started dating back in 2001, but he loves me all the same. He has been my rock through some tough times this year and I really feel so lucky to do life with him.

Grandparents– It fills me with joy every time Jacob sees his Grammy, Grampy, Mimi & Papa. He is always welcomed with loving arms and I love to see their faces light up when they see him. I should also note here that I would get absolutely nothing done if it weren’t for the help of Grammy & Mimi!
Being a SAHM– I’ve said a lot about this before, but I’m just so grateful to be in this role right now. I was miserable when I went back to work with a 3 month old. My heart is so happy every day I get to spend with him.
Online Shopping- Groceries, Christmas presents, Bojangles… I love that it can all just show up on my porch.

Cousins– We haven’t seen them enough lately, but Jacob absolutely loves time with his cousins. He is like their real life baby doll and it’s just so cute how much they enjoy each other.
Coffee– I feel that this is very deserving of a place on this list. After limiting my intake while pregnant and breastfeeding, I just love having as much as I want!

Family that understand boundaries– It has been a hard year trying to navigate what feels right in a pandemic. We’ve had to make some hard choices (like not seeing my family on Thanksgiving), but we’ve always been met with understanding and support.
Working out at home– We have a pretty great at-home gym set up in our garage. I’m grateful every day that I’m healthy enough to move my body and it truly keeps me sane!
Friendship- I’ve never been the girl with tons of friends, but I have a few really good ones. While I haven’t seen them much this year, I know I can always count on them. Once you hit your thirties and have a baby, you know who your people are.
Our home– After three years, this has definitely been the year of making our house a home. A few rooms are painted (for Jacob), some walls are smeared with food, there are toys everywhere, the laundry never stops… but it just feels like home! It has been a happy place to be quarantined and we say our thanks for it every single day.

Siblings– I have 2 sisters (Heather & Stephanie) and 2 brothers (Michael & Spencer). We have all checked in on each other throughout this crazy year and I just feel so lucky to call my family my friends.

Google– I’m a new mom. Enough said.
Family dinners– I have never been the wife with a delicious meal on the table at the end of the day. When I was working 10-12 hours every day, it was pretty much figure it out yourself (luckily I have a very low maintenance husband). I have really enjoyed ending our days together at the dinner table. I still don’t make anything fancy, but we both really enjoy that time at the end of the day.
Time with Bentley- We said goodbye to our Bentley bear back in January. It was a rough start to the year, but I am so glad his last days were spent with me during my maternity leave. He was always snuggled up right next to me on the couch. We’ve been missing him a lot lately and I still cry when I talk (or write) about him, but I know we gave him the best life ever.

Blogging- It’s something I have wanted to do for a long time, but working in education doesn’t lend itself to much extra time. I wouldn’t have ever started without the encouragement of my sister, Heather. I really enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts on here. I appreciate every one of you for following along!
Sleep- There really are no words for my gratitude for this! We still have our nights where Jacob likes to randomly party, but it’s so much better!
Work from home- Joey has been working from home since March and currently has no return date. He has been able to experience so much more with Jacob in his first year of life. No commute and lunch time baby snuggles are pretty great.

Hope– I have held onto a sense of hope all year long and it keeps me going. Things will get better.

What are you thankful for in 2020?!
This made my heart so happy and full. Love this and love you!
Love you more!! Will miss you so much this week. Send mom with a piece of your pie for me!