Merry Monday 4
Merry Christmas week!! I seriously cannot believe Christmas is in 4 days!! Are you done shopping?! I am NOT. I just can’t get into it this year with so much of it being done online- it’s not the same. I should probably get on that.

Here’s another round of random things making me smile lately…
Chocolate Chip Cookies– Last week I made my very first batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies! Is there anything better than cookies right out of the oven?! There was an absurd amount of butter and sugar that went into them and they were heavenly.

Play Date– We visited Megan on Friday so that the babies could play. My mom joined me and was Jacob’s backseat pal… having Grammy’s helping hands made the car ride a breeze. It’s about 1.5 hours to Megan’s house, but it’s so worth it to see her and give Jacob some time with his best friends. As you can see, he is still completely obsessed with Emersyn.

Gingerbread House– Joey and I decided to make our own little Christmas countdown calendar last week to make sure we soaked up every bit of the season. We never decorate a gingerbread house so we added that to our calendar. We got the preassembled one at Publix (highly recommend) and laughed so much while decorating it together. I can’t wait until Jacob can join in on the fun!

Family Pajamas– Last year I started the family Christmas pajamas tradition. Target had so many cute options this year, but when I saw that Mickey Mouse was available I had to get them. Jacob loves anything Mickey Mouse right now! While they may not be the cutest, I have to say they are quite comfortable. Thanks to my husband for taking part in this.

New Workout Equipment– I got my control track, resistance bands, step, and core ball last week for the new program I’m doing. I’m obsessed with the workouts and how they are challenging me in new ways. If you are looking for something to help get you motivated in January, message me!

Mom Monday– Last week, my friend Katie featured me as part of “Mom Monday” on her blog, Pieces of Cake. I met Katie at Kindermusik a few months ago and her son is the same age as Jacob. It was fun doing a guest blog post and I’m grateful to have somehow made a new mom friend in a pandemic. Be sure to check out her blog… her posts are so relatable!

Peloton Holiday Rides– I never knew how much I could love working out to Christmas music. They have been adding holiday rides every week and I am pretty much taking them all. I’m planning to get at least 2 more of these rides in this week!

Jacob’s New Giggle– I can’t even explain how hilarious it is! You just have to experience it. He’s been doing this lately whenever he gets excited about something and I never want it to end.
No Plans Weekend– We may be the only people that thoroughly enjoy having absolutely nowhere to be on the weekends, but those have always been our favorite. This weekend was filled with pajamas, snuggles, naps, Christmas movies and a visit to the park. It was the best!

What’s making you smile lately?!
Thank you for sharing my blog!!!! I love mom Monday!!! I don’t have any more shopping to do, but I have all of my wrapping to do and I’m very behind and stressed about it. I don’t think I’m wrapping any of Theo’s gifts though.
Jacob’s face on the bumper cars makes me LOL
Of course!! He was very unsure of the bumper cars lol! We are leaving all of Jacob’s presents unwrapped!