Merry Monday 5
Happy February! I’m checking in today to share a handful of things making me smile lately. Unfortunately, snow is not on the list!!! Will it ever snow here again?!
- Girl Scout Cookie delivery- I ordered a bunch this year and they were delivered directly to our front door! Thin mints are clearly our favorite. I think they make fun gift additions… and birthday season has officially kicked off over here. I found out today that one of the sweet girl scouts that brought these to me had to undergo surgery this weekend- please send prayers to Katie, her mama, and family.

- Looking for My Fit Podcast– My friend Jemekka reached out to me at the beginning of the year to do an episode on her podcast. I was hesitant because it terrified me, but said yes immediately (really trying to branch out these days). Listening to her podcast has inspired me so much this past year- I honestly didn’t feel worthy to be invited. I shared my heart openly with her (she’s so easy to talk to) and I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and did this. You can listen in on apple podcasts, spotify, or the Looking for My Fit YouTube channel. You’ll fall in love with her immediately and she’s also one of the funniest people I’ve ever met! I’m so glad to be a part of each other’s story.

- Kind people on social media- I have never had a public account on Instagram before starting my blog back in September. I really did not expect to meet so many genuine, kind women! I’ve had Starbucks gifted to me more than once (like the other day when I shared on my story that Jacob was up before 5am and barely took a 30 minute nap). There’s a lot of positivity out there and I’m here for it. It has shown me that women support women more than we think!

- New tank top- Speaking of women supporting women, can we talk about this ridiculously thoughtful gift my best friend mailed to me? She had a workout tank made with the name of my fitness group! I’m so grateful to have people in my life that encourage me in every season.

- Starbucks Flat White- I don’t hit up Starbucks like I used to but sometimes it’s all we can do to get out of the house… you just have to treat yourself to the little things to stay sane in this pandemic. After years of ordering a nonfat latte or plain coffee, I have finally branched out and tried something new and I have been missing out! A flat white is basically heavier on the espresso than the milk and it’s perfection.

- Coaching– I am having so much fun with my group of ladies! I absolutely love having this community of supportive women. We all live in different states, towns, and even countries but we are able to connect daily. The celebrations at our weekly check-ins make my heart so happy. If you are wondering what comes with my Bootcamp group or what it means for me to be your coach…. here you go! Reach out to me any time to join!

- Brunch Date– Last Sunday Joey and I made it out for our first brunch since 2019. Since that used to be such a regular thing for us, it’s pretty crazy that we skipped a whole year. Day dates are just easier for us right now and we can always get daytime help from grandparents. Grammy and Grampy came to play while we enjoyed a peaceful meal on the patio at Cafe 100. We bundled up since it was a chilly day and it was perfect. There really is something special about slowly savoring a meal these days and their sunrise cocktail sure helped make it even more relaxing.

I’d love to hear- what’s making you smile lately?!