Reflections & Resolutions
Hey friends! How was your Christmas?! Ours was pretty on trend with 2020. Jacob got his first cold last week, so we decided to stay home. He was pretty miserable with a fever so I took him to the doctor and he had a COVID test (it’s very gentle for babies). Luckily he had the rapid one and we found out 30 minutes later he was negative. But we still didn’t want to bring coughs and sneezes around the family.
It was the first Christmas we have ever spent at home. We usually visit with both of our families but that was already out of the question given the pandemic. We fully embraced yet another day at home and truly had a wonderful time! I cooked my first Christmas lunch… including my very first pumpkin pie and broccoli rice casserole. It was so much fun watching Jacob walk out to his presents in the morning. Everything from Santa was left unwrapped on the couch and he went straight for the dump truck. We stayed in our pjs all day long, enjoyed mimosas during naptime and made the most of it!
I have more video than pictures from Christmas this year, but here’s a few blurry shots since that’s all I can get these days…

I’m sure your holiday looked different too, but I hope it was a happy one!
It’s that time of year that brings on lots of reflecting. Where you think back on all the highs and lows you experienced the past 12 months. For me, 2020 was a mess before the pandemic even hit.
In January we said goodbye to Bentley and my anxiety about going back to work was at an all time high. I remember checking the weather app every day praying for snow so I could just have one more day with my baby… a snowflake never came. February was straight up survival- I honestly don’t remember anything besides crying every night when I put Jacob to bed because I missed him so much. Postpartum anxiety was a blast. And there was pumping…. so much pumping. And then we all know how March went.
In April I entered a new phase of life… one I didn’t see happening before having Jacob. I stepped away from a career that I’ve thrown all of myself into for the past 12 years to become a SAHM. It was pretty terrifying to quit my job at the outbreak of a pandemic while Joey started a new one. I could look at 2020 as a year of failure… but I choose to see it as a year of change. I will always remember this as a time of soaking in this precious baby.
This year has been full of heartache, loss, loneliness, anxiety, stress and unexpected changes for so many. However you reflect on this year, take it easy on yourself. I think a new year brings on pressure to make big resolutions. Like you aren’t doing enough if you aren’t making some kind of overhaul on your life. I’m not knocking resolutions… if they are the reasonable & sustainable kind- have you ever met anyone that cut out sugar & alcohol in January and was still doing it in November? Me either.
I don’t have any major resolutions for 2021, but there are a few goals I have and I think small changes are the best way to do it. In the spirit of blog sharing, here they are!
-Say yes to things that will help me grow! I spent a lot of my twenties learning how to say no- I’m actually an expert at it now lol. But I’d like to be more open to new things & you can’t do that by always saying no.
-Have a reading routine most evenings. I love reading, but I just don’t always prioritize it before bed. If I can give myself just 15 minutes at night, I know I can actually finish the stack of books I want to read.
-Get my morning routine back! This one kind of depends on Jacob, but I would love more than anything to get back to tackling my workouts and getting a shower before the sun comes up!
-Organize something every week! Our closets are all exploding right now with baby stuff and every drawer I open is a mess… just that kind of thing you don’t ever have time for day to day. I’m not going Marie Kondo or anything, but I’m making a schedule to do something about it!
If making resolutions and goal setting for 2021 fills you up, then go for it! If you are taking it day by day, that’s fine too! No matter what you decide, I’m here to cheer you on.
Thank you for being a positive part of my 2020. This has been a space where I have opened up with a lot of things I’d normally never share. I appreciate your support, comments, and messages more than you know. I hope to share a lot more with you in the coming year.

Happy New Year!
Love these goals! I have a few of my own.
This blog has been a sunny spot in my year. Love reading it – thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for being such a bright spot of my 2020 journey! Love you so much!