Back to Blogging
Hey friends! I have missed being present in this space… it has been about 7 months since I updated anything on this blog of mine. It wasn’t really intentional, but one week turned into another and here we are. Today I want to share why I have been MIA and give you a few life updates.

MIA reason 1: Coaching
Back in April, I really started pouring any of my open time into my coaching business. Supporting other women in their health & fitness journeys is such a passion of mine. But it does take time! The more I stepped into that role the less time I had for blogging. But lately I have been feeling pulled to get back into this space. I miss writing, sharing, and connecting in this capacity. I won’t be doing any less with my coaching business, but I am excited to do both!
MIA reason 2: The world is the most right now
Another reason for my disappearance is because there has just been so much happening in the world. There is truly just one depressing news story after another… and while I don’t make it a habit to immerse myself in sad news, I do think it’s important to be knowledgeable about what’s happening outside of my bubble. In the midst of all that is going on, it feels really tone deaf to post about family vacations, toddler updates, and fitness.
That being said, I know that I personally have enjoyed the positive spaces online. I can continue to be informed about world events without posting about every depressing thing. There are enough places out there for that!
MIA Reason 3: Direction of the blog
When I first started this blog in September of 2020, Jacob was less than a year old. I was still wrapped up in the monthly baby updates and new motherhood was the center of everything for me. I loved sharing all about my baby! A lot has changed this past year… he is now a wild 2 year old boy and I feel more protective about what I want to share.
It might sound strange, but I just have a complete lack of interest in reading most blog posts and articles about motherhood. Being a mom is my favorite role I have ever been blessed with, but I think there is a very toxic culture surrounding it these days. I have removed myself from countless mom groups this year. I felt like my feed was being flooded with moms going back and forth on every hot topic- sleep training, feeding, schedules, potty-training, vaccines, daycare, etc.
NO THANKS. It has been the year of unfollow for me. If it’s not uplifting me, I don’t want it in my feed. I highly recommend taking inventory of what you’re consuming. If I need sound advice I will ask for it… from our pediatrician, my mom or mother in law.
I am a firm believer that there is no wrong and right way to mom. We are all doing what we feel is best for our children.
I often tell my mom I am jealous of what it must have been like to raise children before google, social media, etc. It takes comparing to another level and I just don’t want to inadvertently be a source of that for another mom.
Family is the center of my life, so Jacob will certainly make appearances on here. But you won’t find me writing a 2 year update, sharing toddler meals or giving potty-training advice any time soon.
These days I feel compelled to share more in the realm of health & fitness.
Other Life Updates
The past 7 months have been very full!
We were lucky enough to have several beach trips this summer. We spent a week in Ocean Isle, a week in Topsail, a few days with our toddler friends in Emerald Isle and even had a getaway to Hilton Head. We are always grateful for family time (and helping hands) at the beach!

Joey transitioned to a new job that brought him back into the office for the first time since March of 2020. We have adjusted to that major change and successfully survived a brutal budget season. It’s nice to have him working close to home so he can always be there for the bedtime routine.
I have continued to build my coaching business and have loved every minute of it! Supporting my clients feels like something that was meant for me. I love helping others with their journey and working on my own terms is what I need in life right now. Follow me on Instagram for more frequent coaching updates!

Jacob started preschool in September! He goes three days/week for a half day and that feels like just the right amount of time for him. He has gotten sick a few times (the preschool germs are rough) and attendance has not been great, but he is finally adjusting. I am so glad they offer a 1’s class because we were really feeling the need to get him socialized in another environment with children his age. He has the sweetest teacher in the world and we feel so blessed to have her loving arms wrapped around him.

In October we visited just about every pumpkin patch in NC. I just love all the outdoor festivities that time of year and they are all made so perfectly for burning toddler energy! Jacob spent the season throwing our decorative pumpkins all over the house. He had a Fall themed 2nd birthday party and it was truly amazing having both of our families together to celebrate.

We are now in the thick of the holiday season… our favorite time of year! Joey and I like to make the house feel like a Hallmark Christmas movie. We have all the decorations with three trees throughout the house. Jacob loves all the lights and we are excited to see the season through his eyes!

Thanks for checking in today! I look forward to sharing more with you soon.
Love reading your inspiring words! Always uplifting!
Thanks for always supporting me!